Less taxes. More freedom.
We are the Libertarian Party (formerly Liberal Democrats) of New South Wales. If you're sick to death of being over-worked only to then be over-taxed by a corrupt government that squanders away your hard-earned money, then you may be a Libertarian.
Libertarians want less taxes and more freedom. We believe you are the best person to make decisions for your own life, not politicians or bureaucrats. The government is not your parent. You should be free to live your life the way you choose and accept responsibility for the outcomes of your choices, as long as you're not harming anyone else. But we also understand that the biggest enemy of your freedom is a government that is too big and takes too much.
Don't be taken for granted. The major parties know that most Australians will continue to vote for them even when they know they are the source of the problem. If you want things to be different you must vote different. Australia has a preferential voting system, so a vote for us is never a wasted vote. We have been fighting for over 20 years to keep the government out of your pockets, out of your families, and out of your lives.
If you want to live in an Australia where you have the freedom to live your life the way you choose, to enjoy the fruit of your labour, and have more time to spend with your family and friends - Vote 1 Libertarian.
Learn more about our principles
Sean Masters for the City of Sydney
We're Over Clover.
'Woke' ideology is the belief that society is formed of the oppressors and the oppressed. It means we begin to see each other as part of identity groups, meaning your entire identity is formed of your 'oppressed' characteristics - typically gender, sexuality and race. You may have witnessed this yourself, where people refer to themselves by their defining immutable identifiers - "as a gay woman", "as a black man". This is dehumanising, as it strips people of their individuality. People then begin competing in this intersecting matrix of victimhood to be the most oppressed, leading to a celebration of victimhood. This fractures society as people begin judging each other through this warped lens of privileged vs oppressed.
Why does this matter in the context of a council election? You're right it shouldn't. But unfortunately the City of Sydney Council has embraced this ideology in everything it does. I believe a council should be apolitical. And I believe the majority of councillors have lost touch with what real people actually want from their council: lower rates, fewer rules, less red tape, more freedom, clean streets, good roads. It should stick to pragmatic day-to-day concerns we all care about.
Learn more about Sean Masters and his City of Sydney campaign
Local Council Elections 2024
Take a chainsaw to woke agendas, smart cities, and council rates.
The woke agenda has infected our local councils. Councils should be focussed on basic community services, such as roads, parks, and rubbish. But instead, they are fixated on conceptual ‘woke’ rubbish: climate alarmism, the doomed YES campaign, transgender ideology, drag queen story time, pride month, banning Australia Day, Middle Eastern politics, etc. All this folly results in ever-increasing rates and basic council services being neglected.
The NSW local council elections will be held on Saturday, 14th September 2024. There are 128 local councils with 256 wards in NSW and we will be actively contesting these council elections.